Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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  Black Flash (Artwork by Kristian Horn)


Identity: Blake Masters
Side: Evil
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Level: 2nd


  1. Heightened Endurance A: +10
  2. Darkness Control: 42 inch range with a maximum radius of 18 inches. PR = 2 to create, costs one action, reshaping only costs movement.
  3. Light Control: 28 inch range, 2d8 damage with PR = 1 per attack. Blinding flash radius = 28 inches for special Light attack to blind each character within the radius. One action to activate Light defense, PR = 1 per between-turns thereafter.

Low Self-Control: Exhibits overconfidence and suffers from kleptomania.

Weight: 200 lbs.
Strength: 13
Agility: 14
Charisma: 18
Reactions from Good: -3
Damage Mod.: +2
Accuracy: +1
Carrying Cap.: 500 lbs.
Movement Rate: 55 inches ground
Detect Hidden: 12 %
Inventing Points: 3.2
Basic Hits: 4
Endurance: 28
Intelligence: 16
Hit Points: 26
Evil: +3
Healing Rate: 3.2
Power: 71
Basic HTH: 1d8

Detect Danger: 16 %
Inventing: 48 %

Origin & Background: Black Flash is the son of the super-powered thief, Shadow Master. In the 1980's and early 90's the Shadow Master gave the local heroes quite a run and has the distinction of never being caught and never having harmed an innocent during his crimes.

Black Flash has spent his entire life trying to live up to that image and reputation and thus far he has failed. While he has inherited his father's powers, he did not inherit his father's intellect and desire to be a "true master criminal."

Black Flash began his career as a thief, but he was never able to pull off anything more grand then robing a 7-11. He just lacked the initiative to ever be as good as his dad. He drifted from petty crime to petty crime and had a few uneventful encounters with some local Heroes but nothing much came of his life.

Until he met the Man.

Black Flash now finds himself in employ of a very rich and charismatic benefactor who sees Black Flash's potential and knows how to play to his ego. He is in charge of the Trio Of Terror, he is getting to pull off some pretty major crimes, and best of all he is getting to a point where he feels he is ready to deal with his father's legacy.

Combat Tactics / M.O.: Black Flash only has one combat style. He will fill an area with darkness and then pick off his opponents with light attacks while they are confused by the darkness. On rare occasions he will use his flash attack to blind his opponents.

He is not above fighting dirty and running around blasting opponents from hiding places. While he is not fast, he counts on his high endurance to allow him to outlast most of his opponents.

Personality / Character Traits: Black Flash suffers from some pretty major father-figure issues. All his life he has had to live up to his fathers reputation, something that up to this point he has failed at. He has developed a deep-seeded hatred for his father and a need for someone to fill that role--which is why it was so easy for the Man to manipulate him.

Black Flash likes to play tough--he will talk smack to his opponents and be very insulting but in a playful way. Unless someone mentions his father. . . then he will go in to a rage.

Black Flash is also a minor kleptomaniac and cannot resist the chance to steel something even if that would distract him from his mission. He is especially drawn to small silver things like watches and jewelry. He avoids art work and any crime that would take him near a museum because his father was mostly an art thief.

Black Flash loves being in charge of the Trio and working for the Man. He likes the fact that he can boss around Igneous but is a little wary of Ember. Popular sayings of his include "I'm Black Flash! Do you hear me? Black Flash!" and "I'll be seeing you, but you won't be seeing me. Sucker!"

More than anything, Black Flash longs for the day when he can confront his father and blow him away.

Physical Description: ?

GM Notes: ?

Black Flash is ©2001 Michael L. Straus and Barry Osser. All rights reserved.

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