Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

Welcome Characters Organizations Contributors Submissions


Most Wanted Volume Two is an on-going project and there is always plenty of room in our world for more valiant heroes, dastardly villains, and insidious organizations. If you wish to submit a character or organization to be included in this database then you have a number of options available to you. Perhaps the simplest is to just fill out the appropriate form below. The information that you provide will be sent to one of our webmasters to be uploaded after a cursory glance to make sure everything is intact. If you prefer, you may also submit your character in a number of other different formats as well. We can accept e-mail attachments in the following file formats: Word, WordPerfect, or Excel. The Excel format is based on the extremely useful spreadsheet design by Craig Griswold and a copy of the character sheet template and calculator can be downloaded from his site by visiting this link. Special thanks to Craig for taking the time to create and make available such a useful resource. Character sheets can even be included within the text of the e-mail itself. Please try to follow the same format as we have done on our pages in order to make our jobs much less time-consuming. Also note that character sketches are always welcome as well. You may send JPG or GIF pictures as e-mail attachments.

As a brief footnote, it should be pointed out that while we do not condone censorship, there are some limitations as to the sort of content we can include on a site of this nature so please do not submit anything with profanity or overly-adult themes. Please send any questions or comments along with any submissions to the webmaster at


The following form will allow you to submit a villain for use by other players around the world. The format used is very much the same as the character sheets from the Villains and Vigilantes rulebook and the other Most Wanted publications. Please note that the form is simply a method for us to accept submissions in a unified format thereby allowing us to edit and code them more easily. Please try, as much as possible, to make sure that all of your calculations are accurate. When entering powers, you need simply include the name of the power if it is used exactly as written in the rules. If the power has been modified, or is new and therefore not in the rules, then please include a description of the power and its effects. If you are in doubt as to how to fill something out then please refer to some of the characters already included in the Villains section of this site. When you are finished simply click on the Submit button at the bottom of this form. We request that you not send more than one character per week.

Side: Sex:
Age: Level:
Weight: Basic Hits:
Strength: Endurance:
Agility: Intelligence:
Charisma: Hit Points:
Reactions from Good: Evil:
Damage Mod.: Healing Rate:
Accuracy: Power:
Carrying Cap.: Basic HTH:
Movement Rate:
Detect Hidden: Detect Danger:
Inventing Points: Inventing:
Origin & Background:
Combat Tactics / M.O.:
Personality /
Character Traits:
Physical Description:
GM Notes:
Your Name:
Your E-Mail:


The following form will allow you to submit a criminal organization for use by other players around the world. The format that should be used is simple and requires only two fields of information. The first should include the name of the organization, including the actual wording for any acronyms in brackets after the name itself (ie. C.H.E.S.S. (Central Headquarters of Espionage for the Secret Service). The second should be a brief description of the organization itself, including its goals, methods, sphere of operations, and any known operatives. When you are finished simply click on the Submit button below and your organization will be sent. We request that you not make more than one submission per week.

GM Notes:
Your Name:
Your E-Mail: