Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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  Blister (Artwork by Kristian Horn)


Identity: Jeremy Porter
Side: Neutral
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Level: 1st


  1. Body Power (Internal Cumbustion): An enormous amount of heat is generated inside Blister's body. This has taken it's toll on his physical form by blistering and burning his skin. He can channel the heat by using a HTH carrier attack. The first attack does not have to damage, merely hit. Damage on this attack is 2d8, with a PR of 2. After the first attack, if the opponent does not break free, the initial strike on the carrier attack is considered an automatic hit. The power provides no defense with the exception of no sense of pain. Jeremy is already in continuous pain, so certain attacks may not have full effect on him (depends on special effects of powers).
  2. Regeneration: The amount of kinetic energy produced within Jeremy's body actually physically renews him. He hasn't experienced it yet, buy his body will not heal damage from ice-related powers.
  3. Heightened Defense: : As long as Jeremy has at least 1/4 of his power score, waves of heat roll off his body. The shimmering effect provides a -4 modifier for attacks to hit him.
  4. Heightened Strength A: +12, the lack of reasoning in his head has rendered Jeremy an almost berserker-like strength.

Lowered Intelligence: -13, was originally 12, the immense amount of pain Jeremy suffers has crippled any ability to reason which he had. He now has no more intellect than a cunning animal.

Weight: 168 lbs.
Strength: 25
Agility: 15
Charisma: 11
Reactions from Good: 0
Damage Mod.: +1
Accuracy: +2
Carrying Cap.: 1 422 lbs.
Movement Rate: 53 inches ground
Detect Hidden: 0 %
Inventing Points: 0
Basic Hits: 4
Endurance: 13
Intelligence: 0
Hit Points: 18
Evil: 0
Healing Rate: 1.2
Power: 53
Basic HTH: 1d10

Detect Danger: 30 %
Inventing: 0 %

Origin & Background: Born and raised in the tenements, Jeremy Porter was always the kid who took the dare. In his younger days, he suffered many an injury because he wouldn't back down from a challenge. His mother got used to rushing to the local emergency room to find her son in a cast, or wrapped in abandage.

However, this refusal to back down served him well, enabling him to rise to the challenge and, in his mind, escape his impoverished beginnings. He joined a gang during his junior high days, and developed a pretty flashy reputation. He was always willing to steal from the corner mart, or grab a lady's handbag.

In his junior year of high school, Jeremy was caught by Luther Jackson (see Boom Box) after a particularly showy purse snatching. Luther, a member of the police department, had been keeping an eye on this kid for a while, and caught him in the act. After getting past the chip on the boy's shoulder, he saw a picture of himself as a teen. Luther realized Jeremy was trying to get out of the hood, move up in the world, and finally escape this socioeconomic prison. Luther also realized Jeremy was taking the wrong path out. Instead of arresting Jeremy, Luther made a deal with him instead. Jeremy would work hard in school and graduate, and Luther would be his unofficial parole officer. Seeing this as a challenge, Luther began to apply himself and study hard in school.

A year later, another one of the gang members was arrested. He told everything he knew about the Danny Wintertree, the gang leader, in exchange for getting out. When confronted with this, he pointed the finger at Jeremy. After all, it was common knowledge that Jeremy had been seeing the gang less and less, while spending more and more time with this beat cop. The gang ambushed Jeremy and Luther, managing to knock Luther unconscious. The leader handed a bottle filled with a foul smelling liquid to Jeremy. Then, with a gun to Luther's head, Danny Wintertree told Jeremy to drink or the cop dies. Jeremy, having developed a father-son relationship with Luther, tilted the bottle up. The viscous contents oozed down his throat, burning as it went. Jeremy's vision went white, then red, as he doubled over. His body tried to rid itself of the toxic liquid by regurgitation. The only thing that came up was blood. The viscous liquid remained inside.

Within 30 seconds, Jeremy's skin started to smolder. Jeremy stood up as thegang looked on. His fair complexion was quickly turning red, with blisters forming over his skin. His hair began falling out in clumps, with skin still attached. With a scream, he grabbed the Danny. As soon as his hands contacted the gang leader, a blister appeared on Danny. Other gang members began to run as Jeremy took the gang leader by the throat. Then Danny's eyes rolled up in his head, with only the whitesshowing.

When Luther woke up, he looked around for Jeremy. Jeremy was nowhere to be found. In front of him was a puddle of blood. Beside him lay a pile of ash in a humanoid shape. Despite the DNA testing available, the tissue was too damaged to determine who the body belonged to.

Over the next month, several more piles of ash turned up. With no way to test the burnt DNA, and no missing person's reports being filed, the police have left the cases open.

Combat Tactics / M.O.: Blister (for he really can't be called Jeremy any longer) is an animal. He is seeking revenge on the gangs of the city. He stalks the gang members, catching them alone or in small groups, and attacks. Thus far, only one gang member has gotten away, and that is because he fell into the river. Carl Trotter has gone into hiding, hoping the monster won't find him. But it's only a matter of time.

Personality / Character Traits: ?

Physical Description: Jeremy still wears the same clothes he did the day the transformation occurred. His clothes are now torn and filthy. His skin is blistered all over. Instead of hair, he has open seeping wounds on his head.

GM Notes: Blister is more of a Frankenstein Monster than a villain. He is hunting down his "creators", and has occasionally killed others who got in his way. He actually views all gang members as targets, so being in a gang no longer provides a feeling of comfort and safety. If the PC's or someone were able to help him (curing him, most likely), then Jeremy might emerge again. What scarring all of this has done to his mind is undetermined.

Blister is ©2000 Eric Edwards. All rights reserved.

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