Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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  Ember (Artwork by Kristian Horn)


Identity: Emmett Benson
Side: Evil
Age: ?
Sex: Male
Level: 1st


  1. Flame Powers B: PR = 3 to activate, PR = 3 per attack, PR = 1 per hour of flight. 23 inch range doing 1d12 damage. Allows Flame defense.
  2. Heightened Agility A: +11
  3. Adaptation: PR = 1 per use or hour.

Prejudice: Cocky and overconfident he thinks he is always right.

Weight: 181 lbs.
Strength: 11
Agility: 22
Charisma: 14
Reactions from Good: -1
Damage Mod.: +3
Accuracy: +4
Carrying Cap.: 229 lbs.
Movement Rate: 45 inches ground
Detect Hidden: 12 %
Inventing Points: 1.5
Basic Hits: 4
Endurance: 12
Intelligence: 15
Hit Points: 15
Evil: -1
Healing Rate: 1.2
Power: 60
Basic HTH: 1d4

Detect Danger: 16 %
Inventing: 45 %

Origin & Background: Ah, the life of a media icon. The endorsements, the parties, the hob-nobbing, the fans, the groupies, the wild parties, the easy sex. . . the consequences.

Chances are Blizzard1 does not remember that night at the fund raiser for homeless animals back in 1980, nor does he remember Annie Benson and what they did together. But she remembers him and has something to remember him by--her son Emmett.

Emmett always knew he was different, and liked it. It wasn't just that he was faster and stronger than the other kids. It wasn't just that he could hold his breath for hours and stick his hand in acid and feel no pain. No, it was that Emmett had a kinship with fire. Fire liked him and he liked fire right back.

Handsome, smart and fast, Emmett had no problem sliding through school and making fast friends and easy money. Anything that got in his way had a tendency to get set on fire. Emmettıs mother died when he was sixteen and on her death bed she told him who and what her father was. Blizzard--his father was Blizzard of the Crusaders2 and all these years he had not shown any interest in his own son. As his mother died in his arms the anger over this set Emmett ablaze and when the smoke cleared Emmett Benson was no more. In his place was Ember!

For a while Ember drifted from crime to crime, mostly focusing his anger in acts of vandalism. The fire at the Crusaders museum was him as was the burning truck load of Blizzard action figures. Ember was building up his confidence to confront his father when he was approached by the Man.

The Man had just suffered his first defeat and his other two villains were not performing up to expectations so he needed someone of Ember's caliber to pull his villain team together. In exchange for his loyalty, the man promised that Ember would get his shot at his father one day.

Combat Tactics / M.O.: Ember has a personal grudge against any hero with Ice Powers, seeing them as a mirror of his famous father. Should there be a opponent with Ice Powers, Ember will focus all of his attacks on that person and should Blizzard himself ever show up. . . watch out!

Shoot first. . . ask questions later.

Ember likes to hover above the ground and blast things. His favorite tactics are to shoot gas tanks or set things on fire knowing that he and Igneous will survive the flames and as for Black Flash. . . oh well. One of his favorite tricks is to wait for Igneous to get in the middle of the room and then set the room ablaze or set Igneous on fire. He knows that the big lug can survive the damage and will just keep wailing on people as they try to escape.

He prefers to fight outdoors where he can use his flame powers and flight to his advantage, but he feels he can hold his own in any environment. His Adaptation is his ace in the hole--it allows him to do some pretty crazy stuff because he will survive it.

Personality / Character Traits: To say that Ember has a bit of a temper is an understatement. Cocky and overconfident, he is one of those jerks who thinks he is always right and has no problem telling you about it. And god forbid you prove him wrong or get in his way because Ember is the kind of guy who will blow you away with his flame powers and think nothing of it.

Ember is motivated by some pretty basic things. He likes money and power and likes pushing others around and being the top dog. He hates his father and superhero-types in general and he loves to talk.

Ember thinks he is the backbone of the Trio Of Terror and while he is willing to follow Black Flash's lead for now, he knows it's only a matter of time before he takes over.

Some typical sayings of his include "Burn, baby, burn!" and "Hey, do you know that guy Blizzard? Too bad!"

Physical Description: ?

GM Notes: ?

1 Blizzard is a founding member of the Crusaders and appeared in the introductory module There's A Crisis At Crusader Citadel and was revisited in the four issue Villains And Vigilantes comic book series published by Eclipse Comics in 1986. Blizzard is ©1982 Jeff Dee and Jack Herman. All rights reserved.

2 The Crusaders appeared in both the introductory module and comic book series mentioned above. The Crusaders are ©1982 Jeff Dee and Jack Herman. All rights reserved.

Ember is ©2001 Michael L. Straus and Kristian Horn. All rights reserved.

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