Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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Identity: David Garner
Side: Evil
Age: 49
Sex: Male
Level: 6th


  1. Fireflash I Armor: All powers use the Power statistic of the wearer, it is a collection of interlocking devices rather than a single unified device.
  2. Invulnerability: 12 points
  3. Flight: 50 mph maximum speed
  4. Flame Power: Projection only, 14 inch range
  5. Life Support: The armor includes a 3 hour air supply and is environmentally sealed.

Reduced Agility: -2 due to a neuromuscular disorder

Reduced Movement: 2/3 of normal movement rate due to a old crippling leg injury

Weight: 190 lbs.
Strength: 14
Agility: 9
Charisma: 14
Reactions from Good: -1
Damage Mod.: +1
Accuracy: 0
Carrying Cap.: 356 lbs.
Movement Rate: 22 inches ground
Detect Hidden: 12 %
Inventing Points: 10.2
Basic Hits: 4
Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 17
Hit Points: 6
Evil: +1
Healing Rate: 1
Power: 50
Basic HTH: 1d6

Detect Danger: 16 %
Inventing: 51 %

Origin & Background: Like so many people during Reaganomics of the 1980s, David Garner got laid of from his engineering job for a prestigious engineering firm. Frustrated and bitter, he still tried to look on the bright side and so he built a prototype suit of combat armor from a number ofseparate components with the intention of becoming a hero or bounty hunter to support his family. He kept his project a secret from his wife and young daughter. After a few test flights of the system, he took it out for a test run. The direction of his life was forever determined when the first villain he encountered was FIST. FIST was trying to break into an office park when Garner spotted him. When Garner arrived, a few shots were exchanged, but the anti-corporate rhetoric espoused by FIST caught Garner's attention and soon they began to commiserate rather than brawl. Shortly thereafter, the policearrived and found two armored persons talking a little too amiably. Naturally, they assumed FIST had a new partner and the police opened fire on both of them. Confused and injured, Garner panicked and wounded several officers with his armor's heat rays. FIST helped the fright filled engineer escape and gave Garner his phone number. Garner had to reveal his clandestine activities to his wife, and she helped him nurse his wounds in secret. The unknown armored fellow was branded a outlaw by the police and media. Elizabeth Garner threatened to divorce her husband if he ever put the armor on again. Months went by without any more trouble (or a new job), but then Garner's engineering curiosity got the best of him and he contacted FIST. FIST helped Garner upgrade the Fireflash suit and also change its appearance. With the new combat armor, Garner, as Fireflash, committed several robberies but was always careful never to hurt anyone or damage any property that was not heavily insured. Elizabeth Garner soon learned the truth, but she had grown too accustomed to the extra cash to carry out her threat. However, when Fireflash joined Halfjack's Masters of Disaster, Elizabeth took her daughter and left David. David Garner was devastated and his bitterness and hostility grew worse. This hostility clouded his judgement, and led to his capture by Westguard. Elizabeth, who was still technically married to David, was not forced to testify and David told the jury that Elizabeth had no idea where the money came from. This kept Elizabeth out of jail to care for their teenage daughter, Jasmine.

Meanwhile, Jasmine, an intelligent and crafty child, had begun to piece together the truth long ago and had developed fancifulillusions about her father and Fireflash. In her mind, Fireflash was not a criminal, but a victim of the system. His genius had gone unrecognized, he had been violated by the system, and his crimes were merely the justified rebellion of the down-trodden who seek to provide the American Dream to his family. A few years later, when David Garner was injured in prison, something in the 22-year old Jasmine snapped and she immediately sought out Halfjack to offer her services as the new Fireflash. Jasmine shares her father's natural gift for electronics and engineering, and she is able to maintain and repair the upgraded Fireflash armor.

Combat Tactics / M.O.: ?

Personality / Character Traits: ?

Physical Description: David Garner is 5'9" tall. What is left of his black hair has mostly fallen out and is rapidly turning white. While overweight, he exercises on a daily basis.

GM Notes: ?

No Picture Available


Identity: Jasmine Garner
Side: Evil
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Level: 3rd


  1. Fireflash II Armor: All powers use the Power statistic of the wearer. The Fireflash II armor is a unified device built from modular components. Battlesuit essentially built a new set of armor, borrowing ideas from the old suit. He secretly kept the Fireflash I armor, claiming to have upgraded it. The Fireflash II combat armor can  transform  into a stylish red and yellow trench coat for disguise, and pressing a concealed switch in the collar instantly transforms it to battlesuit mode. In trench coat  mode  the armor retains its Invulnerability, but provides no special abilities.
  2. Invulnerability: 20 points
  3. Flight: 150 mph maximum speed
  4. Flame Power: Projection only, 20 inch range
  5. Life Support: Provides air, nutrients and other essentials for an effectively unlimited period of time.
  6. Light Control: 20 inch range
  7. Heightened Senses: Thermograph, Radio, Flare Compensation
  8. Heightened Strength A: +15

Weakness: None

Weight: 120 lbs.
Strength: 10
Agility: 15
Charisma: 10
Reactions from Good: 0
Damage Mod.: +1
Accuracy: +2
Carrying Cap.: 144 lbs.
Movement Rate: 39 inches ground and 660 inches flying
Detect Hidden: 10%
Inventing Points: 4.2
Basic Hits: 3
Endurance: 14
Intelligence: 14
Hit Points: 7
Evil: 0
Healing Rate: 0.9
Power: 53
Basic HTH: 1d4

Detect Danger: 14%
Inventing: 42%

Origin & Background: ?

Combat Tactics / M.O.: ?

Personality / Character Traits: ?

Physical Description: Jasmine is 5'7  with shoulder length black hair. She engages in infrequent physical exercise, preferring strenuous mental exercise instead.

GM Notes: ?

Fireflash I and II are ©2000 Patric Rogers. All rights reserved.

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