Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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Identity: Lowry Chambers
Side: Evil
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Level: 6th


  1. Body Power (Detonation): He can instantly convert his body mass to energy with explosive results. The body parts congeal to vaporous then solid form within seconds, allowing him to use the same part again for his next action. The detonation power boosts normal HTH attacks. Hand or foot is HTH + 3 to hit, HTH + d8 damage, PR=1. Arm is HTH + 4 to hit, HTH + 1d10 damage, PR=2. Leg is HTH + 5 to hit, HTH + 1d12 damage, PR=3. Whole body attacks everything in a 3" radius as HTH + 6 to hit, 3d10 damage, PR=8. He suffers no adverse affects from discorporate body parts. The duration of discorporation is essentially too short to provide any defensive bonus (although Non-corporealness defense may apply at the GM's discretion). There are two additional uses for the power: Boosted Jump and Mega-Detonation. By exploding both feet simultaneously, he can double his jumping distance. By exploding both legs simultaneously, jumping distance is multiplied by five. The Mega-Detonation power channels all his physical reserves into one massive explosion: 8d10 to 10", 4d10 to 20", 2d10 to 40", 1d10 to 80". The Mega-Detonation places such enormous strain on the Megaton's system that it counts as a Death Touch attack (save normally). If he survives the Mega-Detonation he requires 1d4 hours to recorporate, appearing anywhere within the area of effect.
  2. Body Power (Performance Boost): S+3, E+3, I+1, A+2, C+2
  3. Heightened Intelligence B: +10
  4. Heightened Senses: He is keenly aware of his surroundings and has excellent recall of sensory input. 2X detection rolls.
  5. Heightened Speed: +300", +10 initiative
  6. Heightened Strength B: +23

Weakness: None

Weight: 300 lbs.
Strength: 43
Agility: 10
Charisma: 15
Reactions from Good: -2
Damage Mod.: +2
Accuracy: +1 pistols, +2 unarmed
Carrying Cap.: 12 076 lbs.
Movement Rate: 63 inches ground
Detect Hidden: 16%
Inventing Points: 13.2
Basic Hits: 6
Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 22
Hit Points: 31
Evil: +2
Healing Rate: 1.5
Power: 85
Basic HTH: 2d10

Detect Danger: 20%
Inventing: 66%

Origin & Background: Who knows what lies in the dark void of space? How many worlds did life evolve on? How many worlds will life evolve on?

One hundred thousand years ago, complex life formed on one planet. Many of the life forms were able to live in the upper atmosphere of the planet. Thus when the rogue asteroid tore through the atmosphere on a barely avoided near collision, thousands of organisms became stuck and suddenly they became explorers venturing into the depths of space. A residual atmosphere clung to the asteroid, and many gases and minerals became trapped under the cooling shell of the space missile. This environment enabled some of the life forms to survive long enough to properly evolve and adapt to the new environment.

Fifty thousand years ago that asteroid wandered into the Sol system. Passing through the asteroid belt, it collided with several other asteroids and broke into fragments. Several of those fragments continued on, pulled by the gravitational power of the yellow star.

Ten thousand years ago one of those fragments slammed into the blue-green world which would later be called Earth. Very few of the local life forms noticed. The land was "tainted" however, and for ten thousand years no native life approached too closely to the impact site. Not even long after the shifting geology had covered the crater.

Eight years ago, Lowry Chambers, Australian outback guide was doing walk-about through some of Australia's thousands of unexplored square miles of land (it was a convenient way to avoid some of his illegal creditors). By chance, he came across an area that had no life init, not even plants. He noticed the area was almost circular. Animals and birds avoided the space as well. Chambers thought it strange that snakes and mice would go out of their way to skirt the area. Naturally, he had to find out what was going on. He observed the area for three days. On the third day, he wandered into the circle. He felt a strange tingling sensation in his body that intensified ever so gently as he approached the center of the area. To his great disappointment, all he found was a five pound hunk of scorched iron. He rubbed in, stared closely and even tasted the rock, but to all inspection it was just a rock. Still, it would make an interesting tale, so he threw the iron in his pack and forgot about it. That night, Chambers fell deathly ill and wasn't sure he would make it through the night. After what felt like an eternity of hallucinations, he lost consciousness. In the morning, he discovered he had changed both physically and mentally. No longer was he Lowry Chambers, half-Aborigine, half-white man, he was more than human. He was like a god. He was Megaton, the Living Bomb!

Megaton was an Australian outback guide when he found an ancient meteorite. Life forms on the meteorite mutated him increase all his attributes to extraordinary levels but granting him superhuman strength and intelligence. He became a criminal "troubleshooter" initially as a thug for organized crime and working his way up. Now he acts as a consultant for criminal organizations of all sizes all over the world. He consults on how to improve operations. He makes no friends but he makes lots of money. Typically he does not get involved in combat for the organization but he might be near an operating giving orders or observing technique for later critique. He travels all over the world and speaks several languages fluently including English, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic.

Combat Tactics / M.O.: He typically carries an Energy Pistol (12 shots) with him at all times.

He prefers to talk his way out of combat, using his size and confidence to intimidate potential adversaries. He is well versed in legal matters and uses that knowledge to help him intimidate heroes into leaving him alone. If combat is required, he prefers to mix it up in close combat, reserving his pistol for foes he can't get close to.

Personality / Character Traits: He is confident bordering on arrogance. He is always polite to whomever is paying his fee. He is a man of his word, but does not trust anyone else to be. He is disdainful of anyone less intelligent than himself, and envious of anyone more intelligent.

Physical Description: Megaton is barrel-chested with powerful arms and legs. His head is shaved. He is a handsome mix between Caucasian and Aborigine towering at 6'5" tall. He wears round wire-rimmed non-prescription glasses to make him seem more scholarly. His preferred dress is slacks with dress shirt and tie. His shoes are always cheap loafers.

GM Notes:

Megaton is ©2000 Patric Rogers. All rights reserved.

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