Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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  Midnight Revenger (Artwork by Jeff Phillips)


Identity: Herbert 'Herbie' Flannery
Side: Evil
Age: 33
Sex: Male
Level: 2nd


  1. Heightened Endurance B: +17
  2. Invulnerability: 7 points

Vulnerability: Herbie's invulnerability operates only at night or in deep shadow. Exposed to direct sunlight, his invulnerability score is reduced to 0.

Weight: 230 lbs.
Strength: 15
Agility: 10
Charisma: 11
Reactions from Good: 0
Damage Mod.: -1
Accuracy: +1 HTH
Carrying Cap.: 733 lbs.
Movement Rate: 55 inches ground
Detect Hidden: 6%
Inventing Points: 1.4
Basic Hits: 5
Endurance: 30
Intelligence: 7
Hit Points: 24
Evil: 0
Healing Rate: 4.5
Power: 62
Basic HTH: 1d8

Detect Danger: 11%
Inventing: 21%

Origin & Background: See Blue Lightning.

Combat Tactics / M.O.: "Lenny? Lenny? Oh, Lenny's gone! Uh, what will I do now? Oh, I know, I will hit people real hard lots of times until they fall down! That usually works!"

Herbie, not the brightest fellow in the world, essentially does whatever his partner tells him to do in any given situation. Like Blue Lightning, he will seek escape when confronted with a fight, but will turn to brute force if he must. He is much more comfortable with violence than his partner, although he does not derive any pleasure from it.

Very protective of his "little friend," Herbie will attack with a single-minded, berserker fury anyone who causes Lenny serious injury.

Personality / Character Traits: Herbie is a follower.

Emotionally needy, Herbie has a tendency to latch on to and be dominated by people with stronger personalities than himself (at present, this would be Lenny Boosler, the Blue Lightning). He is also somewhat simple, and can usually be taken advantage of by unscrupulous individuals, or talked into doing something against his better judgement (what little there is of it).

A quiet person, Herbie hardly ever talks, except in answer to something his partner says, and almost never discusses himself. In fact, his past is considered a closed subject, and even his partner Lenny knows almost nothing of Herbie's history before they first met. Herbie is basically good natured. . . until Lenny tells him it's time to be mad-dog mean, that is.

Physical Description: Herbie is a tall, powerfully built man. Standing just over six feet tall, he is heavy-set, and has broad shoulders and a barrel chest. His round face still retains some "baby fat" despite his advancing years, somewhat softening the air of menace given him by his muscular frame. His deeply tanned face is capped with a sparse crown of receding black hair. His dark eyes are those of a child. Though genial, he rarely smiles. He has a tattoo on the back of his left hand reading, "Born to Thrill."

As the Midnight Revenger, he wears steel-toed, black leather workboots, loose fitting black canvas pants, a thick black leather belt with a large steel buckle in the shape of a blacksmith's anvil, a black tee shirt; a black leather motorcycle jacket (reminiscent of the one worn by Brando in "The Wild One") with the initials M.R. crudely emblazoned in gold paint on the left shoulder, and a leather face mask, similar to the variety worn by professional wrestlers, yellow with black-bordered rectangles cut out around the mouth and eyes.

GM Notes: See Blue Lightning.

Midnight Revenger is ©2000 Christian Irish. All rights reserved.

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