Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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  Noir (Artwork by Danial Harvey)


Identity: Unknown
Side: Neutral
Age: 6 months
Sex: Male
Level: 4th


  1. Light Control: Noir is a living hologram and can increase the output of photons he emits in a number of ways such as a blinding flash (32" radius) or to "light-up" making it difficult for people to look at him.
  2. Non-Corporealness: by controlling the frequency and wavelength of light comprising his body he can become intangible to physical attacks. For the most part this primarily only gives him defense table benefits of the power with some particular exceptions. He cannot for example "phase" through a solid wall but he can enter through cracks in doorways or windows.
  3. Invisibility: By controlling the frequency and wavelength of light comprising his body he can become invisible.
  4. Transformation (Disguise): By reconfiguring his display protocols he can assume virtually any human appearance.
  5. Special Weapons: He can generate holographic firearms. These guns never run out of ammunition and cannot exist outside a small radius (1") from his body. The bullets are hard photons wrapped in small forcefields. Additionally the pistols act as a channel for his laser attack via light control (he cannot process the attack without the guns although this is probably a psychological limitation more than anything else).
  6. Heightened Expertise: +4 to hit with firearms.
  7. Heightened Senses: Noir is the virtual embodiement of the hard-boiled detective. As such his detection skills, reasoning, and awareness of the underbelly of the human condition gives him a X4 multiplier to detect scores.

Vulnerability: Attacks of an electrical or magnetic nature can disrupt Noir's ability to focus himself. As a result he has a X2 knock out chance from damage resulting from such abilities.

Weight: ? lbs.
Strength: 14
Agility: 16
Charisma: 12
Reactions from Good: ?
Damage Mod.: ?
Accuracy: ?
Carrying Cap.: ? lbs.
Movement Rate: 46 inches ground
Detect Hidden: ?%
Inventing Points: ?
Basic Hits:
Endurance: 16
Intelligence: 17
Hit Points: 12
Evil: ?
Healing Rate: ?
Power: 63
Basic HTH: ?

Detect Danger: ?%
Inventing: ?%

Origin & Background: You tell me? He'd very much like to know too by the way.

What he does know is that 6 mos ago he came to badly beaten in a rain drenched alleyway with precious little memory of how or why he was there at all. He couldn't recall what his name, address, or social security number were but he had the nagging suspiscion that he hadn't always been a hologram! After some time holed up in an abandoned tenament he was able to gain enough control to at least stop glowing and then from there to assume a number of physical identities.

He has spent the time since then criss-crossing America looking for clues to his prior existence based on a few random memories that come to the surface periodically. He has slowly been eliminating one hi-tech corporation after another of being responsible for his condition. . . course along the way he dug up more than each companies fair share of other dirty secrets and has turned many executives over to the law...the occassional ones who put up a fight regreted it (note: take this however you want to mean it. . . Noir isn't a nice guy but neither is he a bloodthirsty murderer). He has made his share of enemies as a result.

Combat Tactics / M.O.: Noir is a dirty fighter pure and simple. He will do whatever it takes to get the job done. There is a ruthless efficency to his attacks. To paraphrase Sean Connery's character from the Untouchables he fights "the Chicago Way--if the bad guys bring a knife, you pull a gun, if they put one of your's in the hospital you put one of their's in the morgue."

Personality / Character Traits: A few words to describe Noir might include hard-boiled, artificial, truth-seeker, enigma, and stealthy.

He seemingly has very little personality of his own that can't be derived directly from some Dashiell Hammet or Raymond Chandler reference spefically or from the hard-boiled character pastiche in general. He is painfully aware of this and as such is all the more motivated to find out who the hell who seemingly once was. . .

Noir always keeps his word often times to the regret of the people who gave it to in the first place. He has a soft spot in his heart for classic hollywood femme-fatale types and an even softer spot in his liver for the devil's drink, gin and tonic. He smokes Lucky Strikes.

Physical Description: Noir's default image matrix greatly resembles Bruce Willis. . . that is if ol' Bruno gave off a slight dirty neon glow. His "skin color" and "pigments" to his clothing are typically washed out. He typically "wears" a fedora and a heavily wrinkled trenchcoat. As his powers state though, he certainly doesn't always have to look like this. . .

GM Notes: The idea here is that Noir is a sentient hologram who's AI is programmed to be the archetypal hard-boiled detective. The twist? He also has the buried memories of a real man. This detective will have to unravel one of the great existential mysteries--Who am I?

If you've found that your adventures of late of uncharacteristically turned into senseless slobberknockers then use Noir for a shot of existential, Vertigo-style angst. Gone a little too cosmic lately? Resolve this by bringing the players back to the streets with this gritty detective.

As the players gain familiarity with Noir he could take on a sort of "phantom stranger" role--appearing with clues to some bizarre event he stumbled upon in his search that the players would be better suited to solve. Or if you happen to be in a group with no detectives they can always looks him up at the Four Winds Bar drowning his woes with a gin and tonic.

If you want to take your players on the ride with Noir as he solves his personal mystery then start dropping clues about a mysterious scientist named Flitcraft and slowly build up to a resolution of your own--give him an identity of yer own making and decide what to do with him after that. . . maybe he knew a player before hand as a friend, or perhaps an enemy?

Make sure you pull back the camera lense to wide angle for the descriptives of Noir in action--when he let's those guns rip we're talking full-on Hong Kong gunplay here.

Noir is ©2000 Daniel Harvey. All rights reserved.

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