Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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Identity: Vic Fossey
Side: Good
Age: ?
Sex: Male
Level: 4th


  1. Transformation: Power activation
  2. Heightened Strength A: +10
  3. Heightened Agility A: +8
  4. Heightened Intelligence A: +11
  5. Natural Weaponry: +2 / +4
  6. Body Power (Agility Enhancement): His sense of balance and body control are so well-defined that he never fails an Agility check unless a 20 (or 96-00 on d00) is rolled.
  7. Body Power (Modification): His feet work as well as his hands for climbing, grabbing, holding, hitting, etc. . .
  8. Heightened Senses: Enhanced olfactory glands allow him to track and identify people by scent. Overall detections are 4X normal.
  9. Special Weapon (Magic Cane): +2 ACC, does HTH +1d4 damage in combat, contains two uses of a smoke bomb (as per Darkness rules, 16 inch radius). Item gained via Inventing process.
  10. Special Weapon (Magic Cape): The red-lined opera cape worn by the Phantom allows him to descend up to 21 inches per turn. Useful when one has to exit a building via a window. Please note this deploys automatically and allows the Phantom to keep his hands free. Item gained via Inventing process.

Lowered Intelligence: Vic's natural Intelligence of 7 may only be raised to a 10 through level trainings.

Weight: 400 lbs.
Strength: 25
Agility: 21
Charisma: 12
Reactions from Good: +1
Damage Mod.: +3
Accuracy: +4
Carrying Cap.: 3 445 lbs.
Movement Rate: ? inches ground
Detect Hidden: 48%
Inventing Points: ?
Basic Hits: ?
Endurance: 16
Intelligence: 18
Hit Points: 82
Evil: -1
Healing Rate: 3.2
Power: 80
Basic HTH: 1d12

Detect Danger: 64%
Inventing: ?%

Origin & Background: Vic Fossey had a distant cousin, a researcher based in Central Africa. She had a fondness for little Vic, whom she met a couple of times during his youth. For his sixth birthday, she sent him a stoppered, leather-wrapped vial on a thong, to be worn around the neck for good luck.

Vic, who had the misfortune to be somewhat different from most of their classmates, was a little bit slower than most children. He could figure out his homework and his assignments, given time. But in playground activities, his disadvantage made him the last kid picked for games, and the first to be picked on at other times.

One day after school, a group of little urchins ganged up on Vic and took his good luck charm. After making him chase after the vial for a while, one of the kids removed the stopper and grabbed Vic, and made him imbibe the contents. Vic promptly turned pasty white and collapsed on the ground; the other kids fled. One of them did tell a teacher, but when the teacher arrived Vic was gone.

He had awakened after the bullies left, gathered his good luck charm and carefully restoppered it, and walked home. That night, he crept out of his room to watch M*A*S*H in the den. He did this a lot, hiding behind his father's chair and peeking around it to see the screen. That night's episode featured Hawkeye and Trapper wearing gorilla suits for a gag. That made an impression on Vic that proved pivotal in his life, though he didn't realize it.

Over the next couple of weeks, the young bullies who had attacked Vic received nighttime visits from a very dark-furred gorilla, who spoke clear and deep English. Leave little Vic alone, the beast warned, or I'll carry you off to the jungles never to return. Vic had no knowledge of these visits, for as you've worked out by now the good luck charm he was forced to drink was actually an elixir of power. The elixir allowed the imbiber to turn into a powerful ape, but the magic of the potion also permitted an enhanced intelligence and the capacity for speech.

Vic made it through school without any more difficulty, though he was no more accepted than before. Despite his difficulties, he had an aptitude for mechanics, and soon made as much money fixing devices like appliances and vehicles as his brighter contemporaries made in designing them! He lived in a private condominium called Park Place, where a maid did his cooking and cleaning. Vic saved his money carefully, and enjoyed his life and his work.

Though he didn't realize it, Vic took a special notice of crimes and other happenings in his part of the city. And in the evenings, with the city cloaked in creeping darkness, the Park Place Phantom (named for an early sighting near the condos) took to the streets in search of justice. The same justice he was frequently denied as a child.

Combat Tactics / M.O.: The Park Place Phantom is first an observer. He makes his way to crime scenes and criminal haunts, and gathers what information he can. The Phantom uses his enhanced intelligence to its best advantage, and will try to be in place for a criminal's next move. Preferably, the Phantom likes to question thugs from precarious places like rooftops or atop telephone poles.

When the Park Place Phantom doesn't need to be subtle, he will come in with fists swinging and screaming a primal battle cry that can chill the most hardened criminal. After beating the offender unconscious, the Phantom will take him to the nearest parked squad car and drop him there.

Personality / Character Traits: ?

Physical Description: Though he initially went out without any sort of costume, encounters with criminals like Chabbewal (qv) and Payne (qv) motivated him to adopt a gentleman beast persona, complete with opera cape and cane. The cape has built-in vanes that allow the Park Place Phantom to glide to earth from great heights, while the cane contains a couple of smoke bombs for emergencies.

GM Notes: The Park Place Phantom bears something of a resemblance to Marvel's Beast, which wasn't intentional. I didn't notice it until I was done with the power writeup. Still, I think the character is different enough to be unique. Use the Phantom as a shadowy character, concealing his true beastly nature for as long as possible in a game. It's a lot more fun when a PC finally catches up to the after-dark avenger only to find he's a superstrong gorilla dressed for Don Giovanni--and intelligent enough to discourse on said opera, too.

Park Place Phantom is ©2000 David Utter. All rights reserved.

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