Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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Identity: William 'Romeo' McCoy
Side: Neutral (Good)
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Level: 1st


  1. Heightened Charisma A: +8.
  2. Natural Weaponry: Random has +1 to hit and +2 damage when fighting either unarmed or with a knife. This is mostly a lot of dirty fighting street experience, and while he isn't proud of it, he will use it if he has to.
  3. Heightened Expertise: +4 to hit with his probability powers.
  4. Mutant Power (Probability Control): Range=38, this was conceived as a cross between telekinesis and paralysis ray with increased power cost and other problems. Attacks as Paralysis Ray. With this he can:

    a) Spend one action and 2 power to start a TK type defense based on probability changes. PR=2 per turn. This usually manifests as him just miraculously not being hit, or not being hurt from a shot, or his opponents suddenly being distracted, or what have you.

    b) Perform minor changes in the motion or state of objects, with a maximum force of CX10Xlevel (currently 190 lbs.), and a maximum speed of Cxlevel (currently 19"). This is PR=2 per turn. He can use this as a form of attack, where minor events occur to confound or damage his opponent.

    c) Incapacitate opponents, with a PR=8 per use. The target is not necessarily knocked out--they might be buried under a collapsing wall (while miraculously not taking damage), trapped under a car, suffer a sudden inner ear problem, be caught up in the power cords and hoses of the hardware store they just fell into, etc. The targets roll to 'wake up' is d% vs the stat the GM deems is most appropriate to the situation. Nor does the event take place right away--it occurs in 1d4-1 phases from the time Random uses the power, at the GM whim. Random has very little control of the effect of this attack - all he knows for certain is that it will somehow hinder the target. He has the potential to control the attacks, or to use it in a beneficial way, but he hasn't come close to mastering it yet.

Phobia/Psychosis: McCoy is s star-crossed lover--he will always fall for the wrong woman, and something bad will always happen because of it. The GM can state at any point that Random has fallen in love with any female NPC. He will pursue this relationship until it is irrevocably shattered or the woman is dead, and then he will move on. This is not a part of his powers--he had these problems before, which is why he has he nickname.

Weight: 165 lbs.
Strength: 14
Agility: 15
Charisma: 19
Reactions from Good: -3
Damage Mod.: +1
Accuracy: +2
Carrying Cap.: 334 lbs.
Movement Rate: 42 inches ground
Detect Hidden: 10%
Inventing Points: 1.2
Basic Hits: 4
Endurance: 13
Intelligence: 12
Hit Points: 12
Evil: -3
Healing Rate: 1.2
Power: 54
Basic HTH: 1d6

Detect Danger: 14%
Inventing: 36%

Origin & Background: McCoy was born in southern Alabama to an army father and an alcoholic mother. Left virtually unsupervised while he was growing up, he started hanging out with street gangs and getting into fights. He managed to stay a step ahead of any serious problems by nature of his fathers job--not that dad pulled strings, but because the family was transferred up and down the east coast on various postings. McCoy became a talented pool hustler and card shark over this time, and was starting to slide further and further into low end criminal behavior. This would have no doubt continued if he hadn't met Mary Brown. She was young and beautiful and the two immediately fell hopelessly in love.

Both of them were 16, and the only real problem between the two of them is that she was the daughter of a gangland hitman. McCoy's mates in the gang told him to drop it, and laughed it off--changing his nickname from Slim to Romeo. But the couple persisted on this insane love affair until they tired to run away, and one of Mr. Brown's buddies accidentally Hit Mary rather than William. She died immediately, and McCoy fled Chicago, sure that Brown was hot on his tail.

He's been on his own since then, travelling along the coast and staying well away from Chicago. He made his living as a gambler, sometimes pulling the occasional con or hustle. And staying a jump ahead of his debts until he could pay them off. He's know as a good risk for most gambling hoses and bookies in the East, since he always paid up eventually. During those years he had three other relationships--all as doomed as his first, all of them ending with him leaving town, but fortunately none of them ending with any bodies.

He was in Atlantic City for new years 2000 and was getting dangerously close to breaking that good record, being down 4 g's to a local bookie. Desperate for a break, he took the last of his cash and started playing craps at about 11:50. He didn't have a lot of luck for the first 10 minutes, topped by a killer headache. He went to the men's room, downed some generic aspirin, splashed is face and looked into the mirror--where he saw Mary standing behind him, mouthing 'let it ride'. He blinked and she was gone, as was his headache.

Going back to the craps game, he won $5,000 in the next 20 minutes. Not knowing how or why this was happening, he took his money, tipped the operator of the game and paid off his debts. That left him with a $500 stake after paying for his room for the week. Trusting his luck, he brought the money to a roulette table and turned it into close to $200 thousand with two spins of the wheel. Dazed, he still knew enough about casinos to not keep up something like that. McCoy took the money to a blackjack table in another casino and played until dawn. By the end of the night he had won far more than he had lost--ending with nearly half a million dollars.

Now he doesn't know what to do. . .

Combat Tactics / M.O.: Before he got his powers, McCoy would deal with a fight by using a variety of low blows and dirty tricks (as well as his straight razor) to end it quickly and decisively without killing anyone. He's seen too much to believe in playing fair. Now that he has his powers he'll try and alter the outcome of a conflict from a distance with his probability manipulation), but if need be he'll turn on his probability defense and wade in with knees and elbows.

He's still living as he had before--wandering from place to place, making money in pool halls and gambling dens. With his newfound morals he's starting to picture himself as being something like the Fugitive, or Jules from 'Pulp Fiction' wandering the earth and helping out until he figures out what to do next.

Personality / Character Traits: McCoy is a very likable man with a glib tongue and a winning smile. He's easily attracted to women of all types, Loves them deeply and passionately ones things start, and is chivalrous in his own way, but for some reason thing never work out. He helps people instinctively--both out of inherent goodness and because it leaves a good impression for the time he will need to borrow money from them.

He is also a con man with an eye out for the main chance. This tendency is becoming less pronounced of late, since with his new abilities everything could be the main chance. That leaves him in a quandry: he had justified his actions in past by thinking that he was just lucky in a fair game. After all, people shouldn't come to the table with money they couldn't afford to lose, and the con game was just another game. Now that no game with him in it is really fair, he has to rethink his position or change his actions. Neither has happened yet, but he's trying.

Physical Description: ?

GM Notes: Random is a conglomeration of a lot of things--he's the outgrowth of trying to make a set of pseudo-Avengers in Champions, throwing up my hands and deciding to make Scarlet Witch in V&V instead, just to see how hard it would be. He's the character I'd like to play in the 4 Winds campaign, even though I'm not even on the lurker list. He's the outgrowth of way too much Jim Croce at the office one day.

All told, he's an interesting side character--an almost hero who can sometime help the players out of a jam, and get them into much larger jams later. With his weakness, he's got plots just waiting to happen, but his newfound altruism keeps him wanting to help people. He could make a fortune gambling and keeping his powers secret, but knows he shouldn't, but can't give it up. In the end, what the Gm does with him will vary from campaign to campaign.

Random is ©2000 Brian Rogers. All rights reserved.

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