Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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Identity: Jack Biegeleisen
Side: Evil
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Level: 4th


  1. Teleportation: PR=3, this power functions in both flesh and steel form.
  2. Transformation (Power Activation): He can transform from his normal 5'11" flesh form to a 7'4" steel statue. He is unlikely to be found in his normal form. If so, his flesh and blood attributes are Weight 230 lbs., Basic Hits 5, Strength 13, Endurance 12, Agility 14, Intelligence 12, Charisma 12, Hit Points 10, Healing Rate 1.5, Carrying Capacity 391 lbs., Basic HTH 1d6, Move 39".
    1. Heightened Strength B: +40 only when transformed.
    2. Heightened Endurance B: +17 only when transformed.
    3. Armor A: ADR 67, weight X2, the armor appears as a thick layer of blue-gray steel covering his body and exists only when transformed.
    4. Heightened Defense: His metallic skin absorbs and deflects attacks but only when transformed.

Vulnerability: Magnetic, Vibratory and Sonic powers are +2 to hit him when transformed due to his ferrous, crystalline body structure.
Special Requirement: Must consume 1 lb. of pure iron per week as a special dietary requirement.

Weight: 460 lbs.
Strength: 53
Agility: 12
Charisma: 12
Reactions from Good: -1
Damage Mod.: +1
Accuracy: +1 (+1 unarmed)
Carrying Cap.: 34 909 lbs.
Movement Rate: 94 inches ground
Detect Hidden: 10%
Inventing Points: 4.8
Basic Hits: 10
Endurance: 29
Intelligence: 12
Hit Points: 185
Evil: +1
Healing Rate: 8
Power: 51
Basic HTH: 4d10

Detect Danger: 14%
Inventing: 36%

Origin & Background: Jack Biegeleisen grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a kid when the Kent State protests occurred, and it was his bad luck to be visiting the campus with his older sister when the National Guard opened fire on the students. Jack's respect for authority, already weak, was forever shattered.

For his own reasons, Jack decided to finish high school and he joined the wrestling team for two years, although he spent his evenings running with the local gangs. After high school, he spent two years as an errand boy for the Mafia, before getting into some trouble and deciding a long vacation with relatives in Bonn, Germany was in order. He spent a few years in Bonn, learning to program computers and being exposed to anti-Semitic ideology. Eventually, he returned to the U.S. and became a professional wrestler.

Unfortunately, his career was ended when a mob enforcer recognized him and decided that Jack needed to be dead. One day after a wrestling match, the enforcer followed Jack to his dressing room and cornered him there. Naturally frightened, Jack managed to lure the man into close range, and a short struggle ensued. Jack stunned the man and fled. The enforcer ran after Jack, who had ducked into a dark alley. As Jack ran, his heart raced and his head felt heavy; his thoughts slowed, but he kept running. The enforcer started shooting at Jack, and Jack dove behind an empty trash barrel. It was then that Jack discovered he had changed. His clothes had been torn to shreds and he was huge! His muscles rippled with energy! He had powerful steel limbs and body! As the enforcer got closer, Jack stood up, hefting the 1000 lb. trash dumpster over his head. He used the dumpster to crush the enforcer, before fleeing into the night.

Combat Tactics / M.O.: Tungsten's tactics are fairly straight-forward--teleport into hand-to-hand combat range and slug away. He enjoys a good knock-around brawl, but is also an accomplished wrestler, and he uses his wrestling skills to subdue or restrain highly mobile opponents, or when collateral damage could occur from a slugfest.

Personality / Character Traits: Jack is a careful planner, and always looks out for himself. He's seen too many people get hurt when they try too hard to help others. He's normally a bit of a jerk, but in his super form, he's an absolute bully.

He often puts on a "dumb brick" facade, as he has found this leads his opponents (and employers) in to a false sense of security. The overconfident foe can then be taken by surprise.

Always answers direct questions literally and honestly. Prefers his super form to his mundane form. Believes the Mafia is secretly run by Jews.

Physical Description: Jack Biegeleisen is 5'11" and thick framed. He is well muscled, but not chiseled as he carries a fair amount of extra weight evenly distributed about his large frame. He has crew cut black hair and brown eyes. His face is pock-marked and his ears have been damaged from too much wrestling. When he transforms to steel, he becomes taller, completely hairless and smooth-skinned. His steel form bears a strong resemblance to his flesh form, but someone conducting a cursory inspection might not make the connection.

GM Notes: Tungsten is a freelance criminal. He hires himself out as extra muscle. He is slightly anti-Semitic and has a sense of duty to protect others from the Mafia.

Tungsten is ©2000 Patric Rogers. All rights reserved.

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