Identity: Brenda Barbara Buzz
Side: Evil
Age: 52
Sex: Female
Level: 6th |
- Animal Control (Bees): Beehive can summon bees from within her hair, and control them with 1 action per turn. Each hits worth of bees attacks with HTH +1 for 1d4 damage at 4th level. Up to 5 hits worth of bees can attack a normal-sized human opponent at once. She can control 24 hits of bees at one time.
- Illusions (Visual and Psionic): Beehive can generate the image of looking like anyone's grandmother, elderly aunt or grade school teacher. This costs 1 PR per hour to maintain and is purely mental in its effect. While she has this active, assume a 3d10 save vs. Charisma is required for anyone to actually hit their dear old granny--failure means they can't attack beehive and must pick a new target.
Weaknesses: None
Weight: 155 lbs.
Strength: 10
Agility: 12
Charisma: 15
Reactions from Good: -2
Damage Mod.: +2
Accuracy: +1
Carrying Cap.: 202 lbs.
Movement Rate: 38 inches ground
Detect Hidden: 12 %
Inventing Points: 9 |
Basic Hits: 4
Endurance: 16
Intelligence: 15
Hit Points: 12
Evil: +2
Healing Rate: 1.6
Power: 53
Basic HTH: 1d4
Detect Danger: 16 %
Inventing: 45 % |
Origin & Background: In for her traditional perm, the widowed Mrs. Buzz never expected the
effect the radioactive shampoo would have on her. Now she's out to rap the knuckles of the world as a member of the Cut-Ups!
Combat Tactics / M.O.: ?
Personality / Character Traits: ?
Physical Description: ?
GM Notes: ?
Beehive is ©2000 Brian Rogers. All rights reserved.
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