Most Wanted Volume II

A collection of shady characters from the depths of the Internet.

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  Lilith (Artwork by Kristian Horn)


Identity: Lilith Eden
Side: Evil
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Level: 6th


  1. Body Power (Prehensile Hair): This has a range of her Level X 2 in inches (12"), and can lift or strike things as if it had a carrying capacity of her Level X 500 in pounds (currently 3000 lbs. for 1d12 damage). Attacks are made as HTH. She can spend 4 PR to start a part of it waving around her (for Stretching defense) but otherwise all uses are PR = 1.
  2. Natural Weaponry (Hair): +3 / +6 with her hair attacks only.
  3. Emotion Control: Lilith can wrap her apple-scented hair around someone and make an Emotion Control check. Targets (of either gender) will follow her commands in the hope of spending some quality time with her later, and resist with d% vs. Charisma. PR = 8 per success.

Prejudice: Other than the Cut-Ups, no one can stand to be around Lilith for too long.

Weight: 120 lbs.
Strength: 12
Agility: 16
Charisma: 18
Reactions from Good: -3
Damage Mod.: +1
Accuracy: +2
Carrying Cap.: 182 lbs.
Movement Rate: 41 inches ground
Detect Hidden: 10 %
Inventing Points: 7.2
Basic Hits: 3
Endurance: 13
Intelligence: 12
Hit Points: 9
Evil: -3
Healing Rate: 0.9
Power: 53
Basic HTH: 1d4

Detect Danger: 14 %
Inventing: 36 %

Origin & Background: Liltih was once a teen fashion model whose abrasive personality got her removed from the industry. Bitterly living in a small community, she considered herself blessed when exposure to a radioactive shampoo made her one of the Cut-Ups.

Combat Tactics / M.O.: ?

Personality / Character Traits: ?

Physical Description: ?

GM Notes: ?

Lilith is ©2000 Brian Rogers. All rights reserved.

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